Thank you for traveling with me in adventurous journeys in different time and places in Blogland!! Thank you so much, my friends, Clint, Sandie, Sarah, Crystal Mary and all readers for your caring ways, your food for thoughts and your cup of water for my spiritual nourishment!! Basic nutrients come from the heart, I believe.
I truly appreciate all you do. I shall Email you to show that I am grateful, plus I'll post a message for you in my next post, if you write a heartfelt comment after my creative outline. I make no plans to change my Free Google Blogspot. I have been building my Blogs for the last 2 years. Starry's passion for horses, animals and our natural environment protection is definitely a result of her passion for life, mother nature in every single form of God's Creation with lasting moral values. Yesterday is history; tomorrow is uncertain; we only have today. Let's make the best of it in Our Brotherhood of Christians in Action!!
Today's Tale is about Horses, Love and Hospitality.
Just up the road from my home is a field with two horses in it. From a distance, each horse looks like any other horse. But if you get a closer look, you will notice something quite interesting. One of the horses is blind... His owner has chosen not to have him put down, but has made him a comfortable barn to live in. This alone is pretty amazing. But if you stand nearby and listen, you will hear the sound of a bell. It is coming from a smaller horse in the field. Attached to the horse's halter is a small, copper-coloured bell. It lets the blind friend know where the other horse is, so he can follow. As you stand and watch these two friends, you'll see that the horse with the bell is always checking on the blind horse, and that the blind horse will listen for the bell, and then slowly walk to where the other horse is, trusting he will not be led astray. When the horse with the bell returns to the shelter of the barn each evening, he will stop occasionally to look back, making sure that the blind friend isn't too far behind to hear the bell. Like the owners of these two horses, God does not throw us away just because we are not perfect, or because we have problems or challenges. He watches over us, and even brings others into our lives to help us when we are in need of help. Sometimes we are the blind horse, being guided by the little ringing bell of those folks who God places in our lives. Yet at other times, we are the guide horse helping others in need to find their way. If you had a blind animal, would you help it, care for it, or put it down?? I wonder what you would do... In my case, I'll certainly help them. That is my good inner nature down to earth.
OUR ATTITUDES. The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude to me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, education, money, circumstances, failures, successes, than what other people think, say or do. Attitude is more important than appearance, gifts or skills. The remarkable thing is the fact that we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. By showing a loving way, we stand for a positive attitude towards others in our present world. We can't change our past; we can't change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We can't change the inevitable. We won't please everyone. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our loving attitude. I am convinced that life is not only what happens to me, but also how I react to it. So it is with you, we are all in charge of our attitudes. You never know when someone is struggling in one way or another. Be nice with others, so that you may reach to, move and win people's hearts with the power of your love, and your nice attitude. If you change one inch at the time every single day, you'll advance a mile in no time. Change for the better, and you'll see miracles happening in your life for real. God bless!! I truly love to help the ones in need. Please, read my next post...
Until we write again.
Poet Starry Dawn.