Welcome to My New Blog!! Planet Earth is a dazzling blue planet. The Sun, our Star glows like an ember lying on a blanket of the Milky Way Galaxy. The glamour of its majestic beauty is sparkling like a sprinkle of dew in the giant Universe. We share our beautiful common home, our world filled with natural wonders, biodiversity, wonderful animals, human culture footprints of different origins, time and places in modern spectrums and ancient history. This writer, poet, artist has a great respect for life. This Blog will share journeys and journals into the past, as well as poems, inspirational stories, tales, random thoughts, art work and pictures in our present world. Writing is a Good Therapy for the Soul. Helping others motivates me in The Journey of Life. Welcome Aboard!!

The Planet Earth is Our Common Home.

The Planet Earth is Our Common Home.
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Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Passage and an English Proverb.

A Passage and an English Proverb.

A Passage...
It's very difficult for people who sleep silently to put up with the sound of snoring. Some people are asleep the moment they lie down; others stay up half the night waiting for the miracle of sleep to come about. Even insomniacs snore. Insomniacs are the ones who need to lie in in the morning to catch up on lost sleep.
Snorers will never admit to snoring...
They know the rest of the world looks down on them, and they just can't face up to reality.
Dale's friend, Henry, a champion snorer, has just found a cure, and he let me in on his little secret. He has just coughed up good money for a band with a stud on it. He wears the band round his head at night, and if he tries to sleep on his back, the stud gives him a jab. I'm sure this news will cheer up all snorers, who now have a new experience to look forward to.
With one of these on their heads, all they have to lose is their sleep!
Do you snore? Do you know folks who snore? I wonder...

An English Proverb.
"Every family has a skeleton in the closet."
This English Proverb means that every family has a guilty secret that it does its utmost to conceal from the world. Take, for instance, the case of the widow and her three grown-up children, who came to England from Australia last year. All four are so careful about what they say that nobody imagines for a moment that they have a skeleton in the closet, yet the fact is that the "widow's" husband, a criminal of the worst type, is serving life imprisonment in Brisbane.
Do you have a skeleton in your closet?...I know folks who do.

Another English Proverb.
"Every law has a loophole."
It means that it is commonly thought that a clever lawyer can find a "hole" in any law. By creeping through the hole, his client can avoid the effect of the law. In other words, the unscrupulous person can get round almost any rule or regulation to his own advantage.
I personally do not like people who get away with murder.
I used to work long ago at the Enforcement Bureau in a New York State Agency, Intelligence Unit. After graduated from a Christian High School, I studied many College subjects at a School of Law Overseas for several years, yet I did not graduate because I would travel to New York and leave my young life behind. I've always liked Criminal Justice as an interesting career to pursue and put the bad ones behind bars.
That is one of the reasons why I have begun to write thrillers...

Thank you so much, dear readers for visiting My Monthly Newsletters in My Journals Blog!!
I shall be taking a long writing break after the Holidays due to health issues and personal matters. I'll still read and write Emails.
God bless each one of you!!
All the best,
Poet Starry Dawn.


Chatty Crone said...

Very interesting post today - I like to hear your stories and what you like and don't like. sandie

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
I am glad you like today's post.
Yes!! It's interesting to post about our likes and dislikes. It's a way to get to know each other better. Thank you for reading and visiting my site, Sandie!!
You are a great Online friend.