Windows to My Novels (1). Mystery Series.
I articulate much better in writing than in speech. My utterance in front of an audience is rather poor, due to the reason that I am a shy lady. I consider myself a freelance writer, poet and lyricist (song-writer).
I began to write an outline for future mystery series novels.
In another extent of literature figures of speech, I have just composed the melody and words of my new song.
I call it: "Our Story." I'll post it another time...
I only got a single day to compose creative writings into my notebooks before the boss comes home. After I feed my dear cats, clean our place, do my daily chores and stand still to bear the mutilating pain without a shout, I'll be able to use my spare time giving the best of my dexterity in writing my stories, my poems, my songs...
The plot or the subject matter is about chaos, something so despicable and dreadful that the main character who is called Gladys, heard it through the grapevine at first, but then after checking out piles of concealed data, she confirmed the case with an outstanding true evidence.
This story, which is basically fiction, occurred in an underdeveloped and highly corrupted country overseas.
Gladys was a former journalist who was investigating the conspiracy case of the missing people, storing material in her classified files, in order to unveil the truth and unmask evil doers. Gladys was looking for justice after all. She registered all possible facts into her journals -as wise reminders of evidence to provide substantial material for her untold stories...
What is it?... Perhaps, an illusion or an illusory state of mind..., an interrogation within oneself, which only leads to doubts and uncertainty, or to acknowledge the way we naively enter or most likely, we are dragged into madness: the window to the unknown.
Perhaps, it might be... the imprisonment in the mind of the inner self, whose feelings of being caught with no more freedom are being transformed into a trap of invigorating madness and dreadful nightmares.
In the cases I shall present, reality and fantasy are not well determined. The labyrinth on the stage of mind, in which the brain cells play the role of bossy cells, is to set the rules for other body cells to obey. In a nutshell, the brain is the boss in high hierarchy. So, tangled thoughts might be the production and realization of tangled brain cells. In fact, a web of intrigues could be a sort of spiderwebs, but in the stage of real life. Unfortunately, insane brain cells could only produce insane products and sick thoughts.
Readers should begin to read between the lines, since this author won't explain the plot or other things in details.
The window to the unknown -where good and evil walk together, as if they were blind with each other- is mostly a metaphor to describe some people's state of mind, about what they really think intimately over what they really do. However, people's hearts are simply naked in front of the Almighty God's eyes, who could see the whole picture. He could read one's mind and see one's heart before we do. Nothing could escape from God's Almighty view.
To all faithful Christian believers, all these tales or mystery series might be the revelation of the truth, in order to unveil the mask of dreadful evil doers.
Readers may stop reading these mystery tales at anytime, if they feel that they are too harsh to digest...
The Room in the Tower.
The writers of murder mysteries convey -in some cases- facts of life in combination with fiction and fantasy, in order to provide the right spicy flavours for hungry readers.
These tales would be trying to pursue the endless battles between good and evil...
Thank you in advance for reading My Monthly Newsletters!!
I'll soon take a long writing break due to health issues, travel affairs and personal matters.
If you wish to visit my older posts, please, welcome aboard at anytime. The Links are the following...
My Poetry Corner at:
My Inspirational Site at:
Thanks for blessing me with the gift of your Online friendship, dear readers worldwide!!
Until we write again...
All the best,
Poet Starry Dawn.
I articulate much better in writing than in speech. My utterance in front of an audience is rather poor, due to the reason that I am a shy lady. I consider myself a freelance writer, poet and lyricist (song-writer).
I began to write an outline for future mystery series novels.
In another extent of literature figures of speech, I have just composed the melody and words of my new song.
I call it: "Our Story." I'll post it another time...
I only got a single day to compose creative writings into my notebooks before the boss comes home. After I feed my dear cats, clean our place, do my daily chores and stand still to bear the mutilating pain without a shout, I'll be able to use my spare time giving the best of my dexterity in writing my stories, my poems, my songs...
The plot or the subject matter is about chaos, something so despicable and dreadful that the main character who is called Gladys, heard it through the grapevine at first, but then after checking out piles of concealed data, she confirmed the case with an outstanding true evidence.
This story, which is basically fiction, occurred in an underdeveloped and highly corrupted country overseas.
Gladys was a former journalist who was investigating the conspiracy case of the missing people, storing material in her classified files, in order to unveil the truth and unmask evil doers. Gladys was looking for justice after all. She registered all possible facts into her journals -as wise reminders of evidence to provide substantial material for her untold stories...
What is it?... Perhaps, an illusion or an illusory state of mind..., an interrogation within oneself, which only leads to doubts and uncertainty, or to acknowledge the way we naively enter or most likely, we are dragged into madness: the window to the unknown.
Perhaps, it might be... the imprisonment in the mind of the inner self, whose feelings of being caught with no more freedom are being transformed into a trap of invigorating madness and dreadful nightmares.
In the cases I shall present, reality and fantasy are not well determined. The labyrinth on the stage of mind, in which the brain cells play the role of bossy cells, is to set the rules for other body cells to obey. In a nutshell, the brain is the boss in high hierarchy. So, tangled thoughts might be the production and realization of tangled brain cells. In fact, a web of intrigues could be a sort of spiderwebs, but in the stage of real life. Unfortunately, insane brain cells could only produce insane products and sick thoughts.
Readers should begin to read between the lines, since this author won't explain the plot or other things in details.
The window to the unknown -where good and evil walk together, as if they were blind with each other- is mostly a metaphor to describe some people's state of mind, about what they really think intimately over what they really do. However, people's hearts are simply naked in front of the Almighty God's eyes, who could see the whole picture. He could read one's mind and see one's heart before we do. Nothing could escape from God's Almighty view.
To all faithful Christian believers, all these tales or mystery series might be the revelation of the truth, in order to unveil the mask of dreadful evil doers.
Readers may stop reading these mystery tales at anytime, if they feel that they are too harsh to digest...
The Room in the Tower.
The writers of murder mysteries convey -in some cases- facts of life in combination with fiction and fantasy, in order to provide the right spicy flavours for hungry readers.
These tales would be trying to pursue the endless battles between good and evil...
Thank you in advance for reading My Monthly Newsletters!!
I'll soon take a long writing break due to health issues, travel affairs and personal matters.
If you wish to visit my older posts, please, welcome aboard at anytime. The Links are the following...
My Poetry Corner at:
My Inspirational Site at:
Thanks for blessing me with the gift of your Online friendship, dear readers worldwide!!
Until we write again...
All the best,
Poet Starry Dawn.